Lana And Jerry

"Jerry talks to Lana's life-coach about how their marriage has taken on a new dimension and direction."

“You’ve been undressing her with your eyes since you got here,” Jerry stated to Liam as Lana returned from the kitchen with a tray of drinks and snacks.She was clad in an exquisite dress; flowing, yet clinging to her curves...

Lana’s Weekend

"Lana visits a life-coach to find answers to new questions about her life."

“‘So…how was it?’ he asked me as I returned home that Sunday afternoon,” Lana began softly. “His voice was laden with hesitancy, despite, well, everything.”Lana was recounting to me the events of the previous weekend; still fresh and raw in...

Anne’s Dare

"During a hotel stay, and after sex, a couple are told of a message at reception. The husband requests room delivery"

Freshly sexed,Anne accepts the challenge nervouslyAnd waits for the knock at the doorGoose bumpsTingling anticipationShe shivers, despite the room’s ambient warmthTime slows to an agonising crawlAs she awaits the messenger’s arrivalDeep breaths fail to placateJangling nervesTotal exposure awaitsThe unsuspectingAnd as...

She Loves Him

"He will do anything to please her"

“I love you,” she breathes into her husband’s earDesperate arms around his neck“I know,” he tells herWet from his tongue’s thorough explorationHer labia part willingly to receive him“I love you!” she gushesAs his hard flesh glides through themInch after inch slides...

A Hot Surprise in the Sauna

"A relaxing afternoon sunbathing turned into a moment to treasure"

I’d always promised myself a house with a sauna. A time spent being utterly lazy in a hot sauna, stretched out naked in the warmth, especially after a massage is just one way to heaven.Even better if there is some...

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Hannah’s Coronation

"Bob didn't just want to be a cuckold. He wanted his beloved wife to feel like an Empress. And, did she ever."

Months of discussion, research and vetting, by her husband Bob, of potential subjects had led up to this moment. Ever since that Stepping Stones weekend with Joe and Samantha, a new light had shone in Hannah; one of expectation and...

An Exhibitionist At Long Last

"The fantasising is over. She wants the reality"

At last, my wife's opportunity to explore her exhibitionist leanings.The beach; quiet. Just us and the young hunk sitting behind us. Sunglasses. "Is he looking?" she wonders.Nonchalantly removing her bikini top, she casually strokes her tits. His member stirs. Her...