A Silly Note

"Gaden gets his wish after leaving a note for his new neighbor"

Gaden glanced out the kitchen window for the umpteenth time at the middle aged woman across the street tending her flower bed between bites of his sugar infested KaPow cereal. She had just moved into the house across the street...


"An 18 year olds playtime with his new water balloon slinger goes from bad to worse"

SlingerNeil’a drew back his new water balloon slinger and took aim at the plastic deer used for archery target practice positioned on the floor of the garage. He let loose the golf ball sized water balloon and pegged the deer...

No later than 6:30

"Will is in for quite a surprise when he shows up for detention"

No later than 6:30“Will!” announced his English teacher, stopping him from giggling with his friend Sean. “Out in the hall, Now!” Ms. Kamley said pointing towards the classroom door. Will sheepishly got up from his chair and walked by the...

The Maze – Part II

"A man senteced to The Maze becomes the rat, enters accused and leaves butt bruised"

The Maze – Part II    Carngie’s eyes flickered rapidly back and forth from under his eyelids. He unconsciously tucked in his arms and moved his knees closer to his abdomen to keep warm as he lay on side sleeping in...

The Maze – part I

"A man sentenced to The Maze becomes the rat, enters accused and leaves butt bruised."

THE MAZE  part I   “Has the little rat been found yet?”  The lady sitting on the throne questioned. “Not yet, my Queen Mother.”  The woman kneeling in front of the throne responded, her head cast down towards the ground,...