I love to devour you, on my knees, with an upward smiling glanceThere's something so more intimate in receiving you like thisMy thoughts twirl and my heart races, as my tongue and you engage in this danceOur connection pierces my...
Member: truesouthernbell
Life’s Hallway of Doors
I watch my hand grasp at the knob of a familiar door In the moment … how I arrived here is unclear I had only turned to look back, to see if I could catch a glimpse, just heartbeats before...
Room Eleven Ten
"finally we meet in person...."
Room Eleven TenIn my fantasy the room number is always the same…eleven ten I see the door to me swing open, the second before were aloneEvery encounter we had shared both real and invented rushed through us thenYou are not...
The game we play
"Online relationships are still between people...."
The game we play Behind a veil of harmless distraction, lurks a dark potentialHere reality and fantasy walk together hand in handRemember that behind all that's said and done, sits a mind, body and soul...it's essentialIn quality not quantity will...
Fate’s gift to me
"Everything happens for a reason"
Fate’s gift to me Fate gave a handsome gift to meOne path that was traveled only a short whileIn its splendor I can finally see That which would forever make me smile One path that was traveled only a short...
My favorite Position
"the one I like best..."
My Favorite PositionLying on my back, legs open, ready to receiveI watch the dark look of want roll across your eyesAnticipating the pressure of your hips pressing into meBiting my lip, holding my breath as you slide between my thighsI...
Visions of Mutual Pleasure
"Love to watch you......"
Visions of Mutual PleasureI find nothing more erotic than the vision of mutual pleasureTo share the passionate experience of our self seductions observedExactly what we desire, by our own expert hand, we demonstrate to each otherI'm captivated by the sensual...