Are These Tears Of Sadness, Tears Of Laughter, Tears Of Rage Or Am I Merely Sweating?

"Three Men In Pain. One hides it by laughter, the other through rage, the last through quiet. They share their stories with one another."

Three men sat around the fire while the fourth trekked for water. They were miles from anything, save each other and the sanctity of the location.The first was speaking, “I was angry, probably more than anything else. It wasn’t just...

Upon Watching An Anthology Of Porn Allegedly Made Between 1920 and 1970

"Sometimes, an idea is so bad you have to see it through to its natural conclusion."

“ULTRA HOT VINTAGE PORNO SHORTS FROM THE 20’S TO THE 70’S” advertised the DVD case.  The text is superimposed over a black-and-white image of a woman lying on her stomach. She looks to be holding a phone in one hand,...

A Strange Holiday, A Stranger Romance

"It's a Black Day Miracle. You Know Black Day Right? Meh, no problem I explain it here. Also based on true-ish events."

As far as back as I can remember I never liked Valentine’s Day, I can’t remember not dreading it. From elementary school spending an inordinate amount of time writing out those stupid cards, I didn’t want to buy cards to...

Tenement 2J: City Air Makes You Free

"A young woman living in a lower class tenement building finds something new."

Stadtluft macht frei, the words of the older man reverberated through Abigail’s head as they had done countless times, but today they meant more. Stadtluft macht frei, according to the old man, it was a law from medieval Germany, where...

Emperor Thrinklebopple Takes An Empress, and They Have Sex

"Emperor Thrinklebopple of USA takes an Empress and they have sex. You gonna eat that burger?"

The Tale of Emperor Wallace ThrinkleboppleThe weather was warm and the sky was clear as an unmarked white van drove into the town square. A figure emerged from the driver's side; he was dressed in an opulent uniform consisting of...

Early Days On The Long Road Home

"A lustful encounter on a time-traveler's journey home."

You’re currently reading a manuscript of Jack Waters. Upon mentioning that name, one of two things probably went through your mind.Either:Who the hell is Jack Waters?Or:The Jack Waters? He’s a legend!In the first case, give it a few years, then...