My History with Brandy, Ch. 3

"Catching up starts off right, in her Uncle's hot tub"

Brandy sped out of town and began working her way up the rising terrain to the East of the city. As the road wound its way uphill, the spacing between houses got larger, until homes were no longer visible, as...

My History with Brandy, Chapter 2

"Brandy picks me up, and out adventure starts off explosively."

I stepped out of the small airport terminal to see Brandy standing at the curb next to a very sporty silver Mercedes coupe. She looked incredible in black sharkskin pants that hugged her curved hips and sexy legs like a...

My History with Brandy

"The introduction to the key players, Me, Brandy, and Faye"

I guess you'd have to call it luck. At least, that's how I saw it. Brandy had called me two days ago with the news that her favorite uncle and his wife were leaving on vacation for two weeks, and...

Caught by the Nanny

"My plan to spy on the nanny runs into a few kinks."

My parents going to the city was quite rare while we were growing up. Usually, they would make the trip only a handful of times a year to buy supplies and sign new contracts for dairy deliveries. While automobiles had...

The Rain

"A sensual and erotic coupling of two lovers."

“You want to do What?” you ask me with real shock, but a hint of intrigue as I take your hand, and lead you out the door into the pouring rain. You giggle. The rain, although a warm one, still...