"Cumming Out Of My Shell"
This is a work of fiction, pure fantasy put to words J . Enjoy. After divorcing my husband of ten years I needed an outlet. I was a homemaker, caring for my children and my home on a daily...
"Cumming Out Of My Shell"
This is a work of fiction, pure fantasy put to words J . Enjoy. After divorcing my husband of ten years I needed an outlet. I was a homemaker, caring for my children and my home on a daily...
"My Uncle Mark....."
I can honestly say the most memorable times of my life were spent in "bum fuck", Maine at my Uncle Mark's house. I was 17 years old and lived in Boston when my mom sent me up there, I had...
"Who knew the dentist could be so much fun......"
I pulled my shirt over my head and stood in front of the mirror. I patted the wrinkles out of my tight shirt and short denim skirt and I looked myself over. I knew this outfit was a little much...
"Making Uncle Jimmy Proud...."
Thank-you to all my Lushies who inspire me to write!! This is a spin-off from Happy Fucking New Year, which can be found on my profile page. “Wow,” I said to myself rubbing my body with soap. The memory of...
"Wow.....Hope it happens again!!"
“Chris, can you get down here and help me please,” I yelled from the living room. “Be right down Liz,” He yelled back. For the last hour I had been decorating my twin brother Chris and Uncle Jimmy’s house for...
"What are cousins for?"
A week ago I made a devilish bet with my cousin Tony. The experience totally changed the way I saw him. Before that day, Tony was my cousin and my friend; now I saw him as fair game. I figured...
"Elisabeth gets a change."
This story is for my good friend KantgetenufI walked through the busy street of New York hurriedly trying to get to work. For the last five years I was an accountant for a very large firm. I enjoyed my job...
"“I know this is going to sound crazy but….”"
I was rudely awoken by the sounds of heavy petting and sloppy kisses. I rolled over quickly to see Megan and Sam, drunk and making out right next to me. “Oh my God guys.” I said, flinging the covers off...
"Now that's a fucking blow job!"
For the last several weeks, Stephen and I have been secretly seeing each other. Megan was so wrapped up in school that she wasn’t really around much, so Stephen and I took what time we could to mess around. When...
"“One of these days I’m really gonna give it to him!”"
“Stephen you’re such a jack-ass,” I yelled as my head came back above the water. Stephen, my best friend’s brother had just pushed me in the pool clothes and all. He stood above me at the edge of the pool...