Cheerleaders’ New Coach, Part II

"Bobby gives the cheerleading team a boost, and the team returns the favor."

Coach Calhoun’s cheerleaders were enjoying moderate success in their competitions.  They could almost always count on getting second or third place.  Maybe it was the coaching, or maybe it was the motivational activities in the showers that brought out the...

Cheerleaders’ New Coach, Part I

"Mr. Crete gets a new student teacher who quickly becomes "just one of the girls!""

Mr. Crete’s new student teacher was Jessica Calhoun, a former all state cheerleader from the next county.  Jessica was an excellent English major, and she was an outstanding teacher-in-training.  However, her real talents were as a cheer coach who could...

High School Newspaper Convention, Part I

"Tyler learns about the male body at the overnight convention with his teacher and classmates."

Tyler was an outgoing, yet physically awkward sixteen-year old boy.  At 5’11” and one hundred forty pounds, Tyler was skinny and uncoordinated.  He loathed PE class where he could not catch a ball or make a basket.   Worse, he dreaded...

Exhibitionist teacher shares a summer house with a female student, Part III

"Mr. Forte is the center of attention of his students, and he doesn't disappoint anyone!"

When Mr. Forte visited the pool earlier in the week to get some reading assignments done, he was made well aware that the pool and hot tub were not just “Clothing Optional” as the posted sign said, but the expectation...

Exhibitionist teacher shares a summer house with a female student, Part I

"A young male teacher ends up with a female student as his university housemate for the summer."

After my fifth year of teaching high school, I had achieved tenure and could focus on getting my master’s degree and start making significantly more money.  I was admitted into the state’s flagship university and decided to start summer school...

Small School PE Teacher Part II

"The girls conspire against Mr. Crete, and he is unable to control it."

Four eighteen year old girls. Horny. And determined. Mr. Crete didn’t have a chance. The plot was quickly planned and the conspiracy was put into action.Since Chad had the most intimate knowledge of Mr. Crete, he volunteered to do the dirty work. Monday was...

Small School PE Teacher Part I

"Girls are jealous that the guys get to shower with the young English teacher."

Growing up in rural Wisconsin has many advantages.  However, having a large school with lots of course offerings isn’t one of them.  In fact, many of our teachers have to cross departments and teach different content areas to make up...

Humiliating 18th Birthday Surprise!

"Pete is humiliated as he is forced to show off the goods on his 18th birthday!"

I should have been happy to be 18 today.  Mom woke me up with a pancake breakfast in bed.  There were tons of Facebook birthday messages waiting for me.Instead…I had a feeling of dread.I knew about the traditions at school. ...