A Fresh Start

"The best thing he ever did for her was to leave"

Her husband had left her; after thirty years. She hadn't seen it coming. With hindsight, she should have; without foresight, she didn't. Sharon, her closest friend, seemed unsympathetic. ‘You dress like a frump,’ she said, dismissing her abandoned friend with a wave of a...

Home Help 2

"The home help embraces her wider duties"

'Yes. I stripped off the housecoat as soon as he opened the door. He could not avoid staring at my boobs.'I imagined her wearing a tight-fitting blouse with no bra. Her breasts had dropped over the years, larger after children,...

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Home Help

"Home help with a few additions"

'Did anything interesting happen at Mr Forbes'? You were late home last night.'It was unusual for her to be late home and that combined with the splendid breakfast she had served up on a weekday, was suspicious; no, suspicious is...