When love crawls into your soul,It is the most wonderful thing in the universe to behold.Like a softness of a new dawn;A new love will wrap its arms around two souls that the universe has drawn.Like the warm glow of...

Fleetwood Love Affair

"Tunes that spin the world around our love."

The sexy clothes she wore this nightPainted the scene that seemed so right I poured a glass of dark rich Merlot Set back to view the intimate show Mindful play was not going to be the ultimate endPhysical love is...

Secret of Life

"Love is something you can give away and never lose it."

Is two better than one?I asked the master of the game of life. Depends on the game sometimes two, sometimes three, sometimes maybe even less. Life seems so confusing the games that come our way;How to choose the one that...

Neptune’s Love Affair

"This needs little introduction, but to say that early days skinny dipping were memorable!"

Neptune’s Love AffairThe Blackstone Merlot tasted sweet that wonderful night.Just being with her for dinner was a diaphanous delight.The waiter brought the orange glazed salmon over rice;The potato oozed with butter that was baked twice.Candle cast a gold warmth upon...

Score 110 110
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566 words 566 words

Silhouetted Lovers

"Nature’s Witness if Two Lovers"

The cool breeze filtered through the camper window that nightCaused the curtains to dance in the moonlightShadows painted upon camper wallNature's canvas because of nightfallThe night had robbed the light of dayThe thief of light was here to stayNature's call...

Score 110 110
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179 words 179 words