Lean in a bit more, my dearTaste my lips, may I taste yoursThe sigh of pleasure, I long to feelAgainst my neck, the bruise of desireIt can not wait, pull you into my lapHand on your hip, guide you into...

A Risque Encounter

"Who said the darkness can't be fun?"

It had been too long, and there wasn’t enough time. I needed her, to taste her essence as it dripped from her core. We decided on dinner, which was a mistake, at least for her. Sitting in the round booth,...

Let me knowAll the secretsYour body has to tell.Read the linesEvery dip and hollow,The spaces in betweenI want to knowAll there is to knowLooking into your eyesCatching a glimpse of your soul.The swell of your chestWith every breath you takeI...

Star Crossed Lovers

"Because sometimes, you love the right person, at the wrong time."

How can I miss you when you aren’t mine to miss. A song brings back every memory of you.  The feel of your hand, running through my hair, The way your lips felt against mine As you devoured me Memories flood my mind, I can see you standing...

It's that time of year again The old ends and the new begins. Standing amidst our friends, We glance across the distance separating us  The room disappears as our eyes meet. You are all I need. All I want. But the timing has never been right So here we stand, In a world...

Just what I Need

"He always knows what I need."

He held my breasts in a somewhat brutal grip — and brutal was just what I needed. Because he knew me so well, he sensed something was amiss when I walked into his home. I tried to deny it, but...

My Vows

"These are my vows to you, my dear."

I know that I will always love youthere has never been a doubt. Without you, I felt as if a piece of my soul were missing. I could never doubt the way my heart beats and my skin flushes whenever...

The Story of Us

"Sometimes the greatest story is ours."

Night so thick I cannot see what is right in front of me. You have given me chance upon chance to make it right, and yet I cannot. I cannot love you as you need to be loved, cannot give...

Just Another Night

"It was just another night of fun!"

It was just another night, sitting at home with my husband. I was talking to a man on my favorite app about whether or not I was actually a nymphomaniac, not that it really mattered if I was or not....