
"I met a woman on the internet and she came to visit me."

It was a few years ago, when I lived in Amsterdam, that I got talking to a woman, from the South of England, on the Internet. We got on really well, and often, our chats turned to sex. Sometimes we...

My new life as a slut part 2

"What happened next"

When you wake up the next morning you and your husband lie in bed and discuss last night’s party invite. You again both agree to go but if either of you wants to leave you will do so. As you...

My new life as a slut part 1

"You secretly yearned for a more exciting sex life"

Your husband and yourself enjoy a very good loving sex life and are very happy together. Sexually you both can be dominant or submissive but are generally neither you just enjoy fucking each other. For both of you sex is...

A Friday afternoon

"I finally get to meet her"

We had been talking on the internet and over the phone for a long time by now. I catch you on Fab Swingers one Friday afternoon and we agree to have a chat on the phone. I tell you I...

The CD player on your PC is on the blink and a friend of yours asks me to come around to your house to have a look at it. As I arrive your friend is just leaving. She tells me...