Synthetic Hours

"Violet's night job is taking a toll..."

Flashing blue light and a blasting alarm jarred Violet awake. The light turned red, bathing the bare walls in a hellish glow. Shift change. Two hundred people were waking up, removing their wires, pulling back the sheets. Within seconds, the...

The Virgin’s Gambit

"Sonnet #9: In reflective hexameter and heptameter, and Petrarchan rhyme."

Nightly, lightly the dance continues, echoes on Lightning quick, chancing eternity, just for possibly. Slightly, sprightly, another stab at plausibly; Counterstroke, counterpoint, turning, spinning like a boson. Each thrust and parry of words halts hearts, as a great oak sawn....

The Revels

"Sonnet #8; in alternating pentameter and hexameter, and Shakespearean rhyme"

It's funny, the way that little things fall, Drops of crystal rain split in haphazard fashion- All things are fragile, no matter how small. A glass of wine shattering in rough hewn passion... Lover's limbs tangle, glittering shards dance On...

Beware, Beware, the Lover’s Snare

"Sonnet #7: In alternating pentameter and tetrameter, and Spencerian rhyme"

Drenched in desire, lovely the hours Flit away, exquisitely sped. An umbral, knightly presence looms – towers Like memory, over the bed. Emblazoned with eros, swallowing dread, Warm hands scurry beneath a skirt. Words of lust bloom brightly as they...

Night Work

"Sonnet #6: In alternating trimeter and tetrameter, and Shakespearean rhyme."

Wake up cold, scream out loud, Against silence and absent sound. Aroused, bold, cut the crowd, Feline frenzy on broken ground. Gowned in pretty tatters, Aching bodies pounce, hard as stone. Lustful whimsy shatters The house, of feather, pane and...