Diary Of A High School Stud: Chapter Seven

"Nina gives her classmate Tommy an unforgettable day to lift his spirits."

I arrived at the Fred Wood Funeral Home right before eleven in the morning. Eric Clapton’s “Tears of Heaven” was playing over the speakers. I could overhear an older woman in the row in front of me whisper, “I’m sick...

Diary of a High School Stud: Chapter Six

""At a New Year's Eve party, Tommy convinces a virginal religious fundamentalist to sin.""

When I woke up the next morning, Johanna was long gone. After continuous fucking during the late afternoon and early evening away, she needed to get home before her boyfriend got suspicious. Even though she gave me her phone number,...

Diary Of A High School Stud: Chapter Five

"Tommy visits a massage parlor and discovers his older sister working there"

I left Michigan with Annie, my little sister, the day after I graduated high school in June 1987. After crossing the Michigan/Indiana border, I swore I’d never return. With the exception of layovers at Detroit Metro Airport, it was a...

Diary of a High School Stud: Chapter Four

"Tommy's extra circular activities get a little spicy."

After settling into my hotel room, I started scrolling through YouTube. Since I was still feeling nostalgic, I started searching for old Detroit commercials. I smiled as I watched ads for Faygo, Boblo Island, Mel Farr Superstar, and my dad’s...

Diary Of A High School Stud: Chapter Two

"The day after Tommy lost his virginity things got even hotter"

After hearing the news of Gary Mertz’s death, I called my assistant and told her to cancel all my productions for the next two weeks and to pay the performers their respective kill fees. When my assistant asked why, I...

Diary Of A High School Stud: Chapter One

"The worst day of Tommy Mitchell's life suddenly became the best, thanks to his teacher."

I was scrolling through Facebook the other day, and I saw something that surprised me. I saw that many of my former high school classmates were saying that Gary Mertz passed away at the age of fifty-four. He was survived...