Going to Hell

"A fundamentalist preacher's children decide to commit a few sins together."

“And those sinners who dare argue with our Lord’s divine will,” shouted the Reverend Gary Whitman, “Will be doomed to spend an eternity in hell! Who is that, you ask? Who are these sinners? Well, ladies and gentlemen, let me...

The Bomb Shelter

"What do you do when you're trapped in a bomb shelter for three years with only your sibling?"

This is really fucking long. If you are not willing to wait 5000 words for them to have sex, you should probably find another story. I considered putting it in two or three installments, but didn't want to. This way...

I Will Destroy You

"Sister and brother end up sharing more than a room."

I woke up with a start. Something was not right. I sat straight up and hit my head on the bunk above me. Cursing, I rubbed my head and looked around. “Jake?” asked my sister from the bunk above me....

The Only Way

"Kelly's anger and annoyance at her little brother slowly turn to other feelings..."

The first thing I realized was that I was in a strange bed. The second thing I realized was that I was naked. The third thing I realized was that my body was pressed against that of my brother's. I...

Little Sister Pt. 1

"Jared goes from hating his sister to loving her pussy."

It was the summer after my senior year. I would be leaving for college in just a couple months, and like most people my age, I suspect, I couldn't wait to get out. I was sick of living way out...