Newlywed Game

"Tiffany and Nick meet some newlyweds on vacation and want to play a little game."

My friend, Nick, and I had always been good friends. We met Freshman year of high school and somehow managed to stay friends for the next ten years without ever getting romantically involved, which is rare for a girl and...

Model for a Day

"Down on her luck, Amanda takes a job as a photographer's assistant to earn a little cash"

I moved out to Los Angeles about six months ago. Like many young women who make the move, I had dreams of being a movie star. I grew up in Alabama and after finishing high school, I packed up my...

A Mother’s Intuition

"A daughter confides in her mother..."

My daughter came home from school and rushed up to her room without so much as a ‘hello’. It didn’t take a degree in Psychology or even a mother’s intuition for me know that something was wrong. She was seventeen...

Mary Loses Control

"Mary takes an experimental drug to spice up her marriage..."

It’s funny how life brings you to certain places that almost seem normal in the present but only five years ago would have seemed outrageous. I was thinking about this sitting in the waiting room before my appointment with Dr....

What Are You Hiding Under There?

"Courtney makes a new friend and finds he has some impressive equipment"

This is my short story about my encounter with the largest penis I have ever seen in my life. I know there are hundreds of “Big Cock” stories out there and whenever I heard them from friends, drunk coworkers, or...


"A couple becomes famous after a leaked video goes viral."

This whole thing started about three months ago. My boyfriend, Nick, and I decided we would make a sex tape. We’d been together for five years and it was always a huge fantasy of his so for our fifth anniversary,...

Key Party: Her Story

"Miranda is convinced by a friend that a swingers party is the best way to save her marriage."

It started with another one of our fights. Marc and I just seemed to be bickering a lot lately and this one has pushed me to the edge. I decided to spend the night at Lindsay’s apartment to give myself...