The Reserve: Season 2.3

"What monsters lurk in the dark?"

Ryland’s eyes were practically pleading. I could already hear him calling me a right bastard for leaving him. Sorry buddy, but you would, hell, you have done the same to me. I gave him a smirk and quickly maneuvered away...

The Reserve: Season 2.2

"How good can one kiss be?"

Succuben? You want to know more about succuben? I’d suggest you be careful when you kiss one. I suppose I could tell you about the time I discovered them myself, man that was an experience. Just don’t go asking me...

The Reserve: Season 2.1

"What happens when two worlds collide."

On my world I wasn’t a soldier. Quite nearly the opposite - an academic. But my people are no strangers to war and conflict. Maybe it’s the world I’m from, or maybe humans are just violent in every universe. I...

The Reserve: Part 6.2

"How long can a runner's luck last?"

I remember waking up feeling refreshed. I’m not sure what exactly caught my attention, but shortly after stirring I knew something wasn’t quite right. I listened intently through a groggy stupor. It was the birds, or rather, the lack thereof....

The Reserve: Part 6.1

"An unwelcome visitor comes to the reserve"

By all accounts it seemed like a normal day, if not a lazy one. I was up on the balcony with Enko and Helasia enjoying good times and conversation. The park was doing well, Helasia was off, and even Enko...

The Reserve: Part 5

"A succubus shoots her shot with a runner"

Enko is always coming up with new and interesting things at the reserve. From big events like the runner races to small things like tunic rentals. The runner races are simple. A group of runners has to cross a field...

The Reserve: Part 4

"A strange arachne gets the jump on a runner."

I burst through the woods heading west, I could see the cornfield in front of me. A few hundred more feet and I could almost certainly lose them in the field, maybe drop into the caves and work my way...

The Reserve: Part 3

"A novice lamia gets the drop on our runner"

Yes, lamia do in fact enjoy hunting. We see a fair number of them at the reserve, albeit far fewer than hellhounds, werewolves, and the like. I’m pretty good at evading them myself but every once in a while one...

The Reserve: Part 2

"Our runner gets to know one of the guards at the reserve a little more intimately"

My favorite experience? Hmm, that’s a hard one. My mind immediately drifts towards Enko of course. Believe it or not she’s never hunted me in the park. Most nilian types aren’t super big into hunting despite their heritage. She and...