She Took Him

"A woman pushes a young man to new sexual experances."

After months of posting and replying to the “casual encounters” on Craig’s List, Eric was finally going to get laid!  Or at least that’s what he hoped as he drove up to her home.   Eric was a tall lanky college...

She had her way with me

"Forced by my girlsfriend's sister"

My girlfriend and I live together.  A few weeks ago her twin sister stayed with us for a week.  We live on the east coast she lives on the west coast but was in town for a conference.  With money...

Special Delivery: Raveged Raw

"A horny woman stumbles into a warehouse after hours and gets more then she bargined for."

As Amber walked to her front door she sees the note saying the delivery guy missed her and if she wants her package, she would have to pick it up at the warehouse.  It’s kinda late and she’s not even...

Seduced in her Sleep

"A lonly wife gets a surprise vist late one night."

Cindy’s husband Mark had been traveling lot leaving her neglected and horny.  She couldn’t really keep track of his schedule he was gone so much.  She didn’t think she could ever bring herself to cheat but she definitely had her...

Long time Cumming

"After a long wait to see her bf he teases her by drawing it out even longer."

Callie had been away for two years serving in the Peace Corps.  While she loved what she did the time away from Brad had left her wanting and in deeply need of passion.  The letters and skype calls helped but...

Camping Adventure

"A young female camper is seduced while she is sleeping."

You couldn’t believe you let your friend talk you into a camping trip in Colorado, just the two of you camping out in the mountains.  The first day starts off well enough, amazing scenery, crisp dry air, and you spot...

My first encounter with a Cougar

"19 year old boy seduced by older woman."

It all started nearly ten years ago.  I was about 19 and working at a local coffee shop.  All through high school I was a longhaired rebel who cared little what I looked like or what people thought of me....