Identical Twins III – After the Graduation

"The completion of a trilogy covering our lives together."

This third publication completes my life story so far, thus completing an exciting and soul searching trilogy. In the first story you read how Hunter (my twin brother) and me grew up together, culminating in vaginal sex while on a...

Identical Twins II – Our Graduation

"Our close twin bonding keeps getting closer."

This story is a chronological progression from my last story: Identical Twins - Camping Trip. Our camping trip ended in February 1997, just prior to my twin brother and me commencing our second year at university. Before continuing, I must...

Identical Twins – Camping Trip

"A close bond between identical twins can get even closer."

Hi, my name is Tammy, and I am one half of identical twins. Hunter and I are now 30 years old and we have been almost inseparable since birth. On reading some of the stories posted on this site, I...