Todd and Kelly were two typical college freshmen. Both were from small towns, a bit shy, and virgins. They had gone on dates in high school, but never had a real boyfriend or girlfriend. Todd had only gone to second...

Crystal – Chapter One

"Hot For Teacher... no, not a student, but a 27 year old female aide hits on Mr. West"

As an elementary school teacher, I work with a lot of women; young women in their early twenties to older teachers about to retire. Usually, the school has six to eight younger women, in their mid-twenties, working as aides in...

Mystery Woman

"Scott sees his mystery woman at the grocery store"

It was another cold winter Saturday morning in February. My routine this time of year was to go shopping and run errands in the morning. I had already picked up my dry cleaning, stopped at the pharmacy, and was now...

The Gypsy

"After meeting at a coffee house, Amelia invites Grant over for dinner"

Like clockwork, I walked into my neighborhood Coffee Lounge at 7:45 am. There was the usual cast of characters who were there every weekday when I arrived: Bob the fifty-ish IBM guy, Julie the late twenties sorority girl insurance claims...

Lucky Seat

"Scott can't believe his luck when Lucia sits next to him"

It was another mandatory two weeks at the corporate office in Silicon Valley. Living in “America’s Finest City,” San Diego, Scott disdained the high-tech capital of the world, Silicon Valley, and his firm's excessive meetings. As he joked, “They have...