Snowed In

"Eric and Jeff are the picture perfect Alaska gay couple...or are they?"

At just six o'clock, the sun had been down now for over three hours and it would be another sixteen hours until the bitter and long December darkess would lift once again. The day started out with bone-chilling single-digits. Yet...

Shanna, A Complete Woman

"The conclusion to the Shanna trilogy"

Shanna woke up. Delirious, she looked around and noticed lights, monitors, and other medical equipment that filled the intensive care unit where she lay. Then she saw Kyle's face. He held her hand, faithfully keeping vigil by her side as...

Shanna Does Manhattan

"Shanna's desperate quest to become a complete person"

It was an all-too-familiar scene. I met with a handsome guy for a drink and some conversation Yes, you've read that story before. And you know how it ended. Twice, in fact. First with Kyle, and then with Matt.The flavor...

Shanna Takes Manhattan

"Shanna leaves the quiet country life for the big city"

After driving all night, I was now somewhere in the middle of West Virginia. Daddy called frequently, but I did not take his calls. I was determined to start a new life for myself in New York City, away from...

I Dare You

"Jimmy is a gay guy who longs for his best friend. But then, he is smitten by a damsel in distress"

It was a hot July afternoon in that summer of 1987. I was seventeen years old, and hanging out in rural Tennessee with my best friend, Ryan Conner. My parents thought he was a bad influence on me. He had...

Family Values

"Her father sets her up for a hot day of sex with her brother. Who will she choose in the end?"

I was so angry with Daddy that I could spit nails."So, you mean to tell me that not only have we been fucking for over a year now but Mom and Shane also have been fucking and you knew about...

The Ultimatum (Part 1)

"Paul faces a dilemma as his daughter attempts to seduce him. What will he do?"

It was Christmas Eve, 2010, a Friday night. I had decided to throw a party for my nearest and dearest friends. A lonely guy like me doesn't have the chance to celebrate the holidays with family. My ex-wife, Cathy, took...

The Ultimatum (Part 2)

"Paul figures out a way to give in to his daughter's advances. Will it work?"

Story note: This is the second part of the re-telling of "Daddy's Man-Cave" from the father's perspective. **************** I had become resigned to the fact that at some point, no matter how hard I tried to throw down the boundaries,...

Daddy’s Man-Cave

"Monica lusts for her daddy, but he can't be both father and lover. She must choose."

My name is Monica. I want to tell you an amazing story about an amazing man. His name is Paul. At least that's what everyone else calls him. I simply call him Daddy.For the first eight years of my life,...