Don’t Pass Go
"Cleanliness can be a means to an end"
Don’t ask me how I got suckered into it - guess I felt sorry, or maybe it was just the desire to help out an old friend…So what had I let myself in for? Well, cleaning out the old barn,...
"Cleanliness can be a means to an end"
Don’t ask me how I got suckered into it - guess I felt sorry, or maybe it was just the desire to help out an old friend…So what had I let myself in for? Well, cleaning out the old barn,...
"A summer walk makes an erotic memory for the future"
Like all couples, I suppose, quietly and to ourselves, we have sexy little fantasies that we have and sometimes act out as a way of spicing up our love life.You know the sort. When you come home and walk-in unexpectedly...
"The reappearance of an Ex makes for an interesting weekend."
The phone only rang once before I picked it up. I listened as a quiet voice simply said, ‘It’s done.’ The click as they hung up followed by the dialling tone was deafening as it broke the silence before I...
"Small hotel seduction and attention to guest satisfaction."
Well, I couldn’t blame it on anyone else!I mean, there I was, off on a course for a few days, staying in a sleepy little archetypal English village. Next door was a pub, next to that was the church, dating from the...
"Did it really happen?"
Self-isolating - her in the east wing - me in the west. Cold lonely beds in the dark of the wee small hours. Dreaming! Half asleep, half awake - surreal dreams of hotness around my now aching hard cock - helped by the...
"Look after her ’til I get home Pat said, so I did."
Look after her ’til I get home Pat said, so I did.I love Boobs - well actually I love all the pieces of sexy ladies. But mostly I love Boobs, of a certain type and caliber it must be said....
"A bet is hatched..."
As I sank the eight ball and won the third frame in a row, I felt a hot flush of pleasure course over me and not just because I’d simply won the match. Sitting at the bar was a rather...
"Uncertainty is ended."
Chapter 4: the saga continuesWe decided we both felt a bit more normal having got things off our respective chests and were both hungry enough to eat now. After showering and dressing quickly, we went down to the restaurant before...
"Confessions are good for the soul..."
Janet looked at me, took a large gulp of her wine and started, her voice at first quiet with a tremor in it, but becoming steadier and more normal as she spoke.“First of all, you’re quite right that there was...
"The affair peters out except for two last times"
Our ‘affair’ for want of a better word, had to be and was kept very discreet. Other than when we returned after that first weekend we never came into or left work together. Lucy had also been promoted and moved to...