Beautiful Agony – Chapter Three

"Lost in love now, with no way back."

“‘The window’s in the wrong place!”I woke up suddenly and my brain was sort of rebooting itself. My memory was coming back in unconnected bits and pieces. The dream was a happy dream and I was having a good time...

Beautiful Agony – Chapter One

"In Amsterdam to fix a broken heart."

It was early Spring and the air felt fresh and clean and the streets were so quiet you could hear the birds singing in the acacia trees all the way down Paleisstraat to the canal bridge. I have a daily...

Beautiful Agony – Chapter Two

"A friendship is born..."

The sun was reflecting off the water as I crossed the bridge and returned to the safety of my Irish Pub. That’s so ME… if it ain’t broke why fix it. I was feeling good, almost approaching happiness! My reflection...

Suzy Comes Of Age

"Suzy's submissive longings are awoken by two older women."

Episode 1 A girl stands in front of a metal gate. She is alone. Simply dressed in a faded denim jacket, black leggings and grubby trainers. On her shoulder hangs a white PVC bag. The word 'SLUT' in huge black letters...

The Secret Theatre

"Stripped, whipped and molested - on stage!"

It is said that in the old city of Prague there is a secret theatre. This theatre is known only to a very small number of people and has been the venue for a very special kind of entertainment for...

Mirror Image

"Cruel sexual torment."

Day 1 - The first meeting.It was the most extraordinary experience. A chance encounter to beat ALL chance encounters!I was in a bar in Soho, the place was buzzing and the music was excellent. I wove my way through the...

The Sea

"Simply about two women who love each other"

Across the long grass to the sea. Down the steep path, me in flip-flops ('thongs' actually cos we are in Australia). Across the shingle with its pieces of wood, bleached white and those little bits of indestructible blue cord that you...