I heard my phone ring and ran to answer it, hoping I would get to it quick enough. “Hello” I said, waiting for an answer. “It’s me”, he said, sounding rather odd. “Oh hey” I said “How are you?” “I’m...

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A splendid night of lesbian sex

"two girls end up having a passionate night of sex...."

My friend sent me a text and I replied, saying that I could go to her place. “Hey”, she said, as I stood in the doorway with my bags. “Hey”, I replied, “I’ve brought some movies and some chocolate and...

Do you love me?

"a girlfriend feel upset when her boyfriend fails to say I love you staight away."

She opened the door and was happy to be greated by her boyfriend, his face was pleasant and it always made her smile. "How are you?" she asked, hugging him tightly and not wanting to let go. He looked at...

The shocking confession

"Will one confession cause two girls to engage into passionate wild sex?"

I opened the door, feeling rather nervous but still eager to talk to her. “Hey”, she said, smiling eagerly. “Hi”, I replied, genuinely wondering why she had even come. “I need to talk to you”, she said, walking in the...