Annie's SmileI remember her hair shining like gold,bright and lustrous as the sun that glowed on the waves where she stood, naked,and it seemed to me that it was her smilethat lit the beach that day.And yes, I know I...
Member: standingbear
The Long Cold Streak, A Vampire Tale
"The making of a blood sucker."
This story is a work of fiction, any resemblance to any person or organization is purely coincidental. Part one: I had no idea that the game I pitched against the Phillies would be the last game of my career. The...
The cool Autumn air flowing through the open door disturbed the dusty webs of long dead spiders as we pushed the heavy wooden door inward. Only the whisper of the breeze, our breath, and the screech of the door's rusty...
Soul’s Companion
"For Annie"
I have hidden myself in you, my love,but never from you. I am in your heart and you are my soul's companion,free of life's constraint. When you and I are aparta bit of me is with you. Your eyes hold...