Virgin Flight

"Like mother, like son"

My seventy-two hours had come and gone a few days ago. Shikra did indeed send me man after man. I was not to speak unless it was to say, 'Stop'. The men were instructed to simply slide into me and...

Nesting Raven

"Prior to "Path of the Raven""

I left that hotel room positively glowing. In all honesty, I'd never been so happy. I went to work the next day like nothing happened. I held meetings, gave presentations and power lunches all week long - all the same...

Praying Raven

"Raven goes to church"

After Billy and his way more than two dozen friends got done with me, I got 'inked up' as Shikra put it. In this case, it meant a raven tattoo above my left breast and another, more curious one on...

Path of the Raven

"Raven sets her goals"

My device was still on medium as I exited the limo - I had two orgasms on the way over to city hall. It had started to rain, so my driver, after opening the door for me, used his umbrella...

Sunny Monday

"The fall out"

The weekend had come and gone all too quickly. Mistress May, my husband, and I never left the house and seldom left the bedroom. I was tied to that chair most of the time, save for bathroom trips.Still, life must...

Cuckqueaning Out

"Embracing the prude"

My husband Adam was as rock hard as I'd ever seen him. He'd been hitting the gym for weeks and cutting carbs to get washboard abs. He'd been on Viagra for weeks even though he didn't need it as he...

Hospital Charity

"Recovery is hard"

It had been a few days since 'The Event' as they're now calling it. Domina was as good as her word – she always is. For two days straight I did nothing but watch men fucking women in my barn,...

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Downtown Charity

"An evening with Domina, Serendipity part VII"

Two months had passed, and each day I was filled by about a dozen or so men, each with the sole goal of getting me pregnant.It worked.I was currently being led down main street on a leash by my owner,...

Welcome to Eden

"Be the forbidden fruit. Serendipity Part VI"

“Welcome to Eden”That's what the roadside sign said as we entered the city limits of a town buried deep in the Ozark mountains of Arkansas.I'm not sure how long I was in that diner, but Domina stayed true to her...

Score 110 110
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Under New Management

"Charity gets a fresh start, Serendipity part V"

It was two in the morning when I got a call from my pimp, telling me to head to the old run-down diner across town and sit at a booth in the back. Though the diner was a dive, the tone...

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