
"Not quite a love poem..."

We’d drink and we’d laugh and we’d sleep in the stainsfully aware that we’d never remain through the changethe distance betweenso cold and unseenbut felt in our hearts, so young and so cleanyet to be tainted by the lovers diseaseso...

Champagne and Lust – Part 3

"The morning after..."

...I push my full length into you and reach down to squeeze two fingers into Red's sopping pussy. "There's plenty more where those came from," you say as you take two fingers and join me inside our new friend. "Plenty fucking more!"...

Champagne And Lust

"Three’s a crowd, and that’s more than okay!"

The message you had sent me earlier had me intrigued. ‘Room 1285. Hurry, I have a present for you...’My taxi labours along the city streets, every set of lights against me as the sweet anticipation inside me threatens to succumb to the...

Hot & Cold

"Is it hot in here, or is it just me... and you?"

It's almost unbearably hot. All the windows are open yet no cooling breeze dares to enter the sunlit hotel room. The only thing the beads of moisture on your naked skin can pick up is the slight movement of air...

Morning Worship

"A cold commute gets a little warmer"

I rode the bus to work this morning. It was cold and empty - a symptom of the crisp late autumn air, the kind of weather that turns your breath to steam and your extremities into fumbling appendages that lack...

All In Hand

"Listen to the audio version here: https://www.girlonthenet.com/blog/all-in-hand-masturbation-erotica/"

I study your portrait and read your words with breathless anticipation. Study every letter and imagine them rolling off your tongue, dancing from your sultry mouth to the erotic Southern Hemisphere cadence of your voice, showering me in their implied...


"Cunt worship. Pure and simple."

To watch you from the corner of your hotel room would be a delight. To be an audience for your performance, to bear witness over your long-felt lust finally released would prove to be a privilege. To be able to taste your...