One Month

"He in his, she in hers, the ouch of them"

"One Month"by SmutwriterCopyright July 2010They’d bought them, one for each other, as little anniversary presents. Not really much of an anniversary, one month, but what a month it had been.In his apartment he held his out at arm’s length, stretched...

The Pussyholic Pt 2

"Again? Yes, and Again"

"The Pussyholic" Part 2by SmutwriterCopyright October 2010When she re-emerged she looked much the same. Perhaps her makeup had been retouched, her eyes looked darker, bigger and surely her lipstick brighter, whatever, she looked lovely. He sat and watched her.She went...

Pussyholic Pt.1

"Author and reader act out his story"

“The Pussyholic”by SmutwriterCopyright October 2010Pussyholic, that would describe him quite well he thought.His meeting with Suzanne was therefore fortuitous for both of them. She had a pussy that craved attention. A neglected pussy, neglected for twenty-eight years and several months...

Wet My Pet

"A shared fantasy fulfilled poolside."

"Wet My Pet"by SmutwriterCopyright October 2010Eleven-thirty and Celia was feeling tired, her bed wasbeckoning.The gentle knock at her apartment door was anunwelcome interruption. She peeped through the littlespyhole and saw Stephan looking back. A littlereluctantly, she opened the door. "What...