Orchid Lady Ranch

"Terri looks for employment"

Orchid Ladies Ranch Chapter 1 After slogging through twelve hours of inventory, the store manager calls me and my two coworkers into his office. There we learn the store has just been sold and is closed effective immediately. Apparently, his wife is...

She Overworked Her Clitoris

"Doctor soothes overstimulated clitoris"

I follow the attractive black nurse who called my name, down two halls, admiring her big butt, thick waist, and juicy thighs as she led the way into an exam room. Her scrub top looked tailor-made and showed off her...

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Working Grandma Out

"Melanie and her grandmother's attraction begin to surface."

Melanie walked down the steps of the stage, having just graduated with dual degrees in Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Health Administration. She was elated, energized and ready to get some food with her proud, beaming family. They stood...