The Gods Favour Me

"Life for a citizen of a small Rome city has may pleasures"

It has been five years since I escaped from the city of Pompeii with a young slave girl. My fortunes are well, the slave is now my wife, and has borne me two strong sons.We left our sons with our...

Nurse Rose

"In feeding my family I could feed my own desires"

“Hello, Miss.”The boy was persistent, if nothing else, he had tried to stop me three times this week.“My Master is looking for a nurse to sell something for him,” he pestered.“What precisely does he want to sell?” I enquired.“Don’t rightly...

Love In Ruins

"Sometimes an affair can repair a broken marriage"

Sometimes, when the work is going well, you can bunk off early on Friday and get home. Then, there are the times when the work isn't going well, and you are probably working some or all of Saturday, just to...

Sailing Into Adulthood

"You never forget your first lover. I certainly won't."

I got my love of sailing from my Dad; after he and Mum split up when I was about seven, he moved out to the coast and returned to his first love, sailing.Now I'm seventeen, for me it is perfection....

Dangerous Situation

"I never expected Mandy to give in to my desire, but she did"

“I do not need a baby sitter,” I told my boss.“Whether you think you need one, or not, you have got one,” my boss bawled back.I didn’t mind Mandy, our Health and Safety Officer; being honest about it, I wanted to...


"I shared Grandpa's naughty secret..."

Somebody told me a joke once. ’What’s the sickest thing in the world? Grandma kisses you and its tongues.’I had been staying at Grandpa’s place, off and on, for a while since graduating in Environmental Studies. Grandma had died many...

Cuckolded by Her First Love

"I lied about her first love, she wanted revenge."

“My God, I’ve found Tommy on Facebook,” Margret squealed.All I could do was groan; since she went on Facebook, eighteen months ago, all she did was find people from our past. Then, their lives would be clinically compared with our...

A girl like me

"It's like we were always together"

I didn’t have an unhappy childhood; my parents were an older couple, and both only children themselves. So, there were no siblings, or cousins to play with. I was boisterous with a mechanical aptitude, they were quiet and bookish. That...

Utopia 2067

"The comet brought hell then heaven on Earth..."

A shaft of morning sunshine streamed through a gap in the curtains and crept across the bed until it found me and woke me from my slumbers. I stretched out and patted the duvet to see if I still had...