There Were Never Such Devoted Sisters

"Share and share alike - it's only fair"

A quick recap: in You Can Borrow My Sister we met a lovely, mature woman called Brenda, who had an open arrangement with her husband so they could both enjoy some extramarital excitement to relieve the tedium in their small...

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Loved By An Angel

"The Awesome Ability Of An Apparently Ordinary Woman"

People have been talking about angels since the dawn of time, but there is no single definition of what we mean by the word. Are we talking about some heavenly creation all in white with big feathery wings? It's a...

Just Bugger The Bitch

"Straight girls bend the rules"

"Oh, you dirty sods," said the gentle voice happily.A pause and a rustle of activity from the bedroom chair."Oh, you dirty bastards."This was Gaby speaking, and she didn't sound pissed off, although the words look that way in black and...

Score 110 110
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Rita Runs Me Ragged

"The slim foreign waitress gives me a naked workout"

It was a fairly small hotel. Don't ask me how many rooms; all I know is how many waitresses and housemaids: enough to keep a young man amused. In summer there was an influx of girls from catering colleges and...

In Praise Of Bigger Women

"Overweight plain Jane turns into a Goddess"

It was one of those eras in ordinary everyday life when women's fashion turns ordinary everyday women into provocative sex objects. Very unfashionable from a social point of view, when we are supposed to not notice gender or beauty or...

Score 110 110
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Tara And Sophie

"Two classy young women, one wild and one subtle"

They could hardly have been more different physically, these two girls sitting opposite me at Gate 10 at Luton airport, waiting for the fight to Edinburgh. Sophie was tall and slim, her immensely long legs shown off in no uncertain...

Score 110 110
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Don’t Tell Me What To Do

"Helen rebels against her husband with awesome benefits for me"

"Yes, he has got a lot to answer for, Beckham," Helen admitted. "He sort of made tattoos acceptable. I still don't really like them, although..."She was what is often described as a "respectable married woman", ten years into the marital...

Weekend Warriors

"After an intensely erotic couple of days, we still have unfinished business"

There was an unusual crowd at the airport. This was Guernsey, a British island of 60,000 people, forty-five minutes from London by plane. Quiet, respectable, a low tax area, which meant it was full of banks and trust companies, and...