Earning an F…for FUCK!

"Proper teacher Melissa gets bent over her desk by her lover...at school!"

Melissa sighed with relief as the last Advanced English student wandered out of her classroom. Finally, her teaching day was over. Humming under her breath, Melissa wandered around her classroom, straightening desks and collecting the various scraps of paper, pencils...

Hot sand, Hot Blow Job!

"Shawn and Melissa steal a few moments to make each other cum!"

“Morning! Going up to the lake today. Come with!” I read the text from my friend Grace as I ran on the treadmill. Puffing a bit as I finished the fifth and last mile, I mentally reviewed my to do...

Bad Cop, Good Fuck

"Melissa slips away from work to play naughty police officer with her lover"

 Melissa smiled as she hit “Send” on her phone as she walked out of her classroom to the parking lot. She took off her English teacher glasses and freed her hair from the low bun she wore while teaching. She was slipping out on her...

to my lover, all the ways you make me cum

"I have an amazing, skilled lover who gives me multiple, glorious orgasms!"

How do I cum for thee? Let me count the ways.anticipation.when you kiss meslide your perfect hands all over my body the anticipation builds. I feel desire pool in my belly as my breasts swellmy nipples tighten. I feel my...

Wet Lightening

"Shawn and Melissa's passion explodes"

The summer rain pounded against the roof, swirled down the gutters and turned the yard into a huge mud hole. The pack of kids, boys and girls ranging from 4 to 14, ran in and out of the back slider,...

Melissa brings a friend

"Melissa and Shawn meet up at a hotel, but this time Melissa brings a friend!"

Carrie arrived at Melissa's house, carrying several different dresses on hangers. "I just couldn't decide WHAT to wear," she laughed as she tossed the choices onto Melissa's bed. Standing in only her short, black silk robe, Melissa grinned at her...