Truth Or Dare [Part 3]

"The Dare's get out of hand..."

A girl burst from the ensuite bathroom built into the front portion of the two-bed college dorm, where I found myself tied to a chair; the flush of her skin and the sheer excitement of her pose made it obvious...

The Big Game

"I just wanted to watch the game..."

“Are you sure about this?” I asked her. It didn’t really need to be pointed out that Johnny, her husband, had only left the room for beer, chips and dips, but I still felt the need to state the painfully...

Kelly – A favour for a friend.

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned..."

“Peter, I need a favour,” I looked up from my work at the sound of my office door opening, smiling when I saw it was Kelly closing the door behind her.My smile was a natural reaction, the sort any red-blooded...

In Flight Service

"A stewardess helps a passenger overcome an anxious flight."

Flight Time – Cabin service with a smile.I never like to fly, even intercity Europe was too much for me, so this long-haul flight, as with every other, had me standing or walking around at every possible opportunity. It didn’t...