Her Crush

"Christina makes a move on her crush."

 “Christina, James is coming home for Christmas dinner; he’s bringing his friend Jason.”Christina’s pussy instantly got wet.She was seventeen and already very sexually aware. She had always liked Jason, who was nearly ten years her senior. He was handsome and...

Lush Got Me Laid

"Meeting a stranger on the bus leads to fun"

I was going home from a hard day's work and climbed onto the bus I normally take. The bus was unusually empty and I sat down with a sigh.I closed my eyes as soon as I had drifted off to sleep....

Online Fantasy

"online fun."

We have been talking online for some time, I feel I know you better than I know some of my friends.You have a beautiful face framed by long brunette hair and blue eyes that look like the summer sky.I speak...

Skater Boy Hookup

"A skater boy hooks up with a cougar."

It was Summer, and like every summer, I could be found at the local skate park. I was nineteen and I loved to skate with my friends, grinding the rails and getting some air. It was a thrill and felt...

Mom’s Fun Weekend

"Aliza Helps her mom out."

Kathy was in a rut; she was tired and depressed. She had been divorced for just over two years, and she wasn’t feeling beautiful anymore.“Aliza,” she said to her daughter as she sat at the kitchen table, not looking overly...