Neon Dreams, Antique Mirrors

"Her loins beckon from neon-lit past to wet futures."

Sarah gazed into the ornate mirror with its silvered edges, intricate with history. As she looked deeper, the room behind her began to blur, and a hazy, otherworldly glow enveloped her vision. Suddenly, she was no longer in her dim...

Merril’s In Her Push-Up Bra, Chapter 2

"Merril to find men for her pending launch of her call-girl service effort"

Merril tossed her head back and raised her arm to signal Brewster, the club's bartender, for another round of drinks for her and Ginny. "We start a legend. That's what we create. Anything less just wouldn't be worth the risk....

Score 110 110
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Merril’s In Her Push-Up Bra, Chapter 1

"Ginny and Merril discuss the idea of becoming sex workers."

On this hot June afternoon, friends Ginny and Merril sat at the end of the bar, away from others, drinking at their husband’s Fraternal Order of Eagles lodge. This club was in a little town in the SW corner of the...

Score 110 110
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