Their eyes met cross a crowded room,one was destined to be the other ones doomfor they're playing a game and one might get took'Cause the thief of hearts is an expert crookI know the game I've played once or twiceand...
Member: ShamelessFlirt
"Originally written 8/27/2015"
My heart is an inkwell,overflowing with feelings I've known.Occasionally revealed by my pen.Both a gift and a curse,this fuel for my words.Spilling everything both real and pretend.Does any of it matter,or am I wasting my time?Pouring it all out for...
"Originally written 9/3/2015"
Play with my heart,tell me what I want to hear.Mention your feelings,it's OK to be insincere.I've grown to idolize the lies,and embrace the deception.It doesn't matter what you believe,when your dreams shape your perception.I've met a ton of people,but only...
Who cares
"Sometimes you have to ask the tough questions"
My heart has been wounded,no solace in sight.No arms offer comfort.Nor ears hear my plight.No eyes see my discomfort.No heart touched by my pain.Profoundly alone.Steadily going insane.Lips mouthing voices.Ears hearing whispers and screams.Or is that the sound,of shattered dreams?Lungs struggle...
In the arms of a loved one,ear to their chest.Sometimes you just need,to lay your head to rest.Where tears don't matter,and your pain fades away.While you try and catch your breath,at the end of the day.Nestled in their arms,suspended in...