RedTails : A Night Out, A Night In – Chapter 1

"This is the sequel to Rescued? This tale is still in progress (10 chapters so far)"

RedTails: AwakeningsA Night Out, A Night InByScarletdownChapter I : Back to the HighTailThe trio padded up the cobblestone walk, passing by various shops, inns, and taverns as they headed back to the Hightail Inn to relax and sort out the...

RedTails : A Night Out, A Night In – Chapter 2

"Frelic and company retire to their private suite, where he recaps to Karma and Thissle their tale."

RedTails: Awakenings A Night Out, A Night In By Scarletdown Chapter II : Show and Tell The wizard ushered his little entourage into a modest but comfortably appointed third floor corner room, and closed the door behind him. The heavily-laden...

RedTails : The Paddled Princess – Chapter 2

"Warden Arlin, a Street Hunter, finds his prey and brings them in for a dose of discipline."

RedTails : ReckoningsThe Paddled PrincessByScarletdownChapter II: Party Crasher"Good evening to you too, Allisson," Arlin growled. His body shuddered, and his aching, still stiff maleness flexed at the Raccoon's touch. "I trust that you and Amanda are having a profitable night?"She...

RedTails : Tiger Tiger Burning Bright – Chapter 1 / Part I

"After putting Kennewick and Katella to bed for the night, Arlin invites Toraq for a night out."

RedTails: Tiger Tiger Burning Bright By Scarletdown Chapter I: The Tiger and the Hawk / Part I "Well anyway, I do have work to get back to," Regent Tormanin said, "So you go see Toraq and have fun. I'll join...

RedTails : The Paddled Princess – Chapter 1

"Warden Arlin, A Street Hunter prowls the streets of Lovenmusk, searching for his elusive prey."

RedTails : ReckoningsThe Paddled PrincessByScarletdownChapter I: Street SentencePowerful muscles rippling beneath soft black leather pants and matching sleeveless top, a Furling Tiger, born and bred to hunt, stalked with grim determination through the busy streets of Lovenmusk. Warden Arlin paused...

RedTails : The Ringtailed Terror – Chapter 1

"Calypso, a young Furling Raccoon secretly witnesses her best friend getting spanked."

RedTails : AwakeningsThe Ringtailed TerrorByScarletdownChapter I - A Lunchtime LessonCalypso huffed indignantly, pacing up and down the dirt path which meandered through the schoolyard's colorful garden. The swishing of her bushy, ring-striped tail betrayed her impatience as she clasped her...

RedTails : The Misbehaving Lynx

"Short Story : Lynx seeks Eagle's help in sorting out her feelings after spanking her Elven student."

RedTails - Immortal Glows The Misbehaving LynxbyScarletdown Standing upon a narrow ledge, Lynx nervously gazed up at the summit of Spirit Mountain, her soft feminine curves covered by nothing more than her fur. Her voice echoed to the peak above...

RedTails : The Missing Lynx

"Short story (500 Words). Young Frelic receives an unforgettable lesson from his Beastlands Teacher."

RedTails - Reckonings The Missing LynxbyScarletdownCopyright (c) 2004 G. Sutton. Some Rights Reserved via Creative Commons BY-SA-NC Copyleft Terms. See details at the end of this tale for more info. On the peaceful shores of the lagoon, a lone, small...

RedTails : Rescued?

"Shaasta her adventuring matey have been taken by slavers. Now for their unconventional rescue"

This story, and in fact, the entire RedTails and ShadowRealms line, are copyright 2007 - G. Sutton (aka Scarletdown), some rights reserved. These works are released under the Creative Commons terms of Attribution / Share-Alike / Non-Commercial.This means that my...