A few months later… Sarah was wandering down an aisle in the supermarket looking for tomato puree, so that she could make Daniel his favorite Italian meal. She stopped when she found it and picked up a couple of tubes....
Member: Sazza
The next morning… Daniel was pacing around the hotel room. He had been up for almost two hours and it wasn’t even half past seven yet. He wandered into the bathroom and turned the shower on. He had to look...
A few months later… Daniel was standing in front of the floor length mirror in the bedroom doing the last little finishing touches to his outfit. It was the premier of the film he had been working on when he...
The next morning… Sarah was bent over picking up something which had landed on the floor when Daniel came up behind her and slapped her on the arse. She squealed and turned round to see who had done it. When...
Saturday morning… The past week had gone so slowly that both Daniel and Sarah were glad that it was the weekend. Neither had to be on set, so they had decided to have a long lie in bed, before heading...
That evening… Sarah sighed. She reached for her glass of wine and then snuggled against Daniel’s chest. Daniel put his arm protectively around her. It was the middle of the evening and they were watching a film on TV. Neither...
Blue Eyed Guy Part 2
"Not all of it has sex but its all linked"
The next morning The smell of freshly made coffee woke Sarah from her deep sleep. She sat up in bed and looked about her. The door of her bedroom was open and she could see into the lounge. It was...
Her Blue Eyed Guy – Part 1
"A fantasy that I wish were true"
She couldn’t stop thinking about him. It didn’t matter where she was, or what time of day or night it was, he was all that was on her mind. She couldn’t believe that a man who she had only met...