Romance on the Railway

"Come follow the tracks to my heart"

Each night beneath the kindly moon’s soft radianceWe make again that joyful connection of loveVulnerable in our emotional nakednessAs we bare the most profound feelings of our heartsAll too soon the hour of parting is upon usCatching us unaware in our...


"The pain of together yet still lonely"

As I sit here naked on our bed Feeling the tears begin to fall Wondering how long since you touched me It's so hard to even recall How did we get to this position At what point did we lose our way Why is it you...

A Gypsy’s Ire

"When its time to protect your loved ones, draw from the warrior within."

Today, I waited patiently at a stoplightMy head was in a daze as I felt it Warm sunlight on my faceAs the traffic light changed to greenI remained paralyzed and unable to moveI recall suspecting that the sun had triedIn vain...

Magic Hour Musings

"Sometimes the most vulnerable and real feelings are revealed in late night magic hours"

It wasn't easy to get you to this point But it was worth it because here we areSo patient was I waiting for the walls to come downI don't think you knowWalls were not meant to keep us Away from what we desire or to protect usThey...

The Lady of the House

"When the lady of the house is not happy, then ain't nobody happy"

Ray and I started dating shortly after my divorce. I’d been working for Victoria’s Secret Catalog so not only did I have an amazing forty percent discount on purchases, but I was also privileged to have first choice on new...


"For my inamorato for reigniting the flame within"

It is hard to remember my life before you  Back to those days that were tough to get though  Claiming nothing was missing was clearly untrue I now see I was blinded by a distressed point of view When we...

Dia De Los Muertos

"A celebration of death of an old life"

Staring at my own reflection The face revealed is dead inside Eyes have become cold and shallow The spirit that lived there has died I've let you do this to me There’s no one to blame but myself Believing in what should be love I put my...

No Apologies

"When it needs to end and being nice is no longer an option"

What gives you the right when I say no to youcan't pry in my headto ascertain my view Maybe it's your eyesor that you are too talldon't call me babyyou don’t know me at all No means no, damn itI have said it...

High Heeled Huntress

"Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world - Marilyn Monroe"

They make me feel so sexy My black high heeled shoesAnd when I’m feeling naughtyThey are the ones I choose I first slide on my LBDA short black clingy thingI have no need for lacey wearAnd toss my wedding ring Then I ease...