My sweet taste still lingersAs my eager tongue Finds your throbbing flesh.My eyes seek yoursAnd I wrap my luscious lips Around you, Slowly,Teasingly.I see your jaw clench And I feel your fingers As they tangle in my hair, Urging me closer.Your incoherent whispers Echo out As I claim...

You singe my flesh With your tongue As my hands claim your Hard desire.I curse your nameInto the vicious night As you thrust Inside my demanding heat.Tendrils of my succulent WetnessEntice yourFerocious need,Urging you deeper.I worship the night Surrounding you,And I crave the darknessYou possess With your Sinister mind.Your...

The sweet memory of your tempting lips still lingers on my skin. I will always remember how I embraced your body and held it to mine as I worshiped everything that you were. My stilled heart came alive under your...

In the whispering night She surrenders to her passion, Entwined in knots of need Only he can untangle. The sound of a foghorn Penetrates her mind As his fingers dig into Her wanting flesh. She calls out his name As...

I am rekindled By the mistAs I danceOn shadows Of muddled dreams.In the light of the Blood-red moon, I am awoken By a slow burning needAs your fingersIgnite a dormant flame.Your whispered breathAgainst my fragile skinCalms my Tempered heartIn the break of the Quiet dawn.You sing to...

The silence is deafening As she listens for a Heartbeat of Hope In the cold Dark night. She remembers your touch Like it's Seared Into her soul, And your warm Kisses That you whispered Into her heart... You are mine. ...

Demons are Clawing At my soul As angels Whisper In the distance. I am lost, Wandering In the mist of Shattered Hopes And unfulfilled Dreams. I reached for you, Only to find Emptiness Grasping my Heart And darkness Embracing me....

My heart Was like a rose, Wilting In the cold winter's night. Its icy petals, Fragile and cracked... Waiting to shatter. Your warm embrace Was like the midnight sun That warmed And thawed Me out, From within. Your voice Was...

I am chasing shadowsOf an unwanted past.It leaves me shattered And wandering,AloneIn the dark.I am afraid to fillThe deep void,BurningInside my aching soul.I have shielded My dented heartFor so long,And left itWithering away,In darkness.I am searching For something.Forever wishing For more Than this.I have felt...