It was like driving through a postcard. The road was dark and both sides were lined with big trees, heavy with fallen slow. Nova was finally allowing herself to be excited about getting away from the city for a weekend....

I don't fear the nightAs it comes writhing inAnd embraces me In its welcoming arms. The whisper of darknessAnchors my dreams When they're soaringThrough the opaqueMist of my mind.Treasured memoriesEdge into my soul,Fueling dormant desiresAching to be set free again.I fear the lightAnd...

I count down the hours Until I can surrender Within the warmth Of your arms. I wait. I arch my aching and Waiting body, Pleading Silently for you With words that will Remain unspoken Until I can feel your Hand...

In the serene gardensOf midnight,Flowers bathe inThe light of yourGentle touch.You whisper kissesAgainst my skinAnd in the depth ofMy whimpers,I fall deeper intoYour soul.My name sounds Like music as It caressesThe soft fleshOf your lips,And the urgent devotionOf your passionRips across the...

The sound of shattering glass made him stop dead in his tracks, and in one fluid motion, he turned around to face her. His fists were clenched to his sides and she could see bitter anger flash across his face....

I wish I could tell you my thoughts and let you in on the secrets I carry close to my heart, like cherry blossom's kiss to the spring. I wish my hands could travel along your skin and you could...

I whisper your name As you sigh against My waiting lips, Breathing desire Into my heart. Lust tethers us together As spring awakens Our slumbering bodies And we fuel the Rays of the sun With our fire. Your fingers trace...

I have spent my life Lost Twisted And confused Searching for redemption In unredeemable places Seeking someone Who could see what I couldn't I stumbled I didn't find you But you found me Hiding Sinking You never asked For more...

In the wake of eruption, your embracing heart dances with mine in the depth of our fiery souls. I want to fall into a joyous slumber with your arms entwined with mine, as our bodies connect with an unspoken bond....

I stumbledThrough the cobwebsOf unforgiving darkness.WrithingUnder the full moon,I slowly awokeFrom a deep slumber,Finally alive under yourSearching hands.With you,I soared onHeated breathsAnd whispered words.Feathering kissesLit my hunger,As your voiceLured outMy dark secretsAnd forgotten desires.You shattered meWith understandingAnd made me acceptMy...