Natural Seduction

"Overt, Covert & Coerced, a Transcribed Therapy Session"

“Can you tell me Doctor, where is the line between bisexual and gay? I mean it’s a confusing thing for a straight guy, scary actually. I dunno if maybe I’m bi now, that’s scary enough, but what if I’m gay?...

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Dream-Fucking Amanda

"Desperately trying to become parents leaves no room for wasted sex."

 She appeared from the inky darkness of my morning dream. Her large wide-spaced eyes lending instant recognition. Her small mouth with a brooding smile somehow said, “I’m so glad I found you.”Her thin fingers toyed the top button of her loose blouse until my throat tightened. Each new...

Jane Takes Flight

"After paying no heed to her older husband’s cuckold fantasies, the inevitable happens."

“Oh God Jane, you’re such a naughty slut.” Jane was being naughty and she knew it, edging him again so close to coming in her mouth he was actually pulsing before she pulled off. She held his rocklike pillar vertical from...

Loosing Cindy

"I like blow jobs as much as the next guy but never thought I'd be getting them through a glory hole."

I'm not sure why I went into the Adult Book and Toy store on Jefferson boulevard. I had only been there once before. It was with a couple of buddies the summer after graduation, a long time ago. The place...

Revolutionary Opportunity

"It was an exciting time for a young girl first arriving at college."

The sun shone brightly as Kristen made the rounds answering want ads a few days after arriving for her first fall semester at Penn State. The next job on her list was waitressing at a country club. Her sole waitressing...

Young and Oh So Easy

"Tom should have known Anne was too young, too pretty and too easy."

Both Tom and his wife Julie were in sales, she of expensive suburban homes and he most currently of solar panel arrays. They were both talented at their jobs. Tom liked to say that he knew how to bring the...

More than the sum of your beautiful long legs and strong arms, Your wonderful smile and soft breasts pitching and flowing Against your thin frame Is the total of your incredible beauty. More than the sum of your laugh and...


"She was so beautiful and so young."

The power she had over me was immediate and irresistible. I tried to avert my attention, but she sparkled in the August sunlight. My wife and I were greeting our new neighbors shortly after the moving van pulled away on...