The Couple That Stays Together – Part 3: Reunion

"An accidental confession leads to a breakthrough for Rachel"

From the notes of Dr. Kelsey Ransom, PsyDBertie and Rachel have been making excellent progress in session. As of my seventh meeting with them, I’m finding that I am able to listen more and mediate less. Bertie has been conciliatory...

The Couple That Stays Together – Part 2: Remonstration

"It's Bertie's turn to take responsibility for his shortcomings"

From the notes of Dr. Kelsey Ransom, PsyDThere has been a development since our last session. The couple’s last therapist had described Rachel’s cooperation in therapy as reluctant at best, but today she was quite eager to participate. She apologized...

The Couple That Spanks Together – Part 21: In Dreams (Bertie)

"We've seen Rachel's fantasy, what's going on with her boyfriend?"

Bertie sat waiting, even if he hadn’t known where he was. The room was spacious and gray, the carpet was gray (With a spiral pattern if one looked closely enough), and he sat in one of two gray armless chairs...

The Couple That Spanks Together – Part 20: In Dreams (Rachel)

"Bertie and Rachel fantasize about how to take their relationship to the next level"

She wiped at the sweat coalescing on her forehead, sitting off-kilter on the stump outside of the barn.  The summer heat was unbearable for a young woman who’d only just recently left the comforts of city living, and the stink...

The Couple That Spanks Together – Part 18: Audience Participation

"An eavesdropper gets invited to join in on the fun."

Rachel squinted against the dim ring of lights surrounding the bathroom mirror. In front of and around her, the walls throbbed with the heavy beat of the music she’d left playing before she’d slipped in here to “freshen up”. The...