Where There’s A Wall, There’s A Way

"Lauren and Jason re-live their first encounter"

“Remember that night?”“What night was that?”“That first night we made love, over the phone.”She smiled, looking over the top of her almost-empty wine glass.“Oh, I remember it vividly, babe.”Lauren closed her eyes for only a moment, recalling every second of...

One soul

"Miles of separation can be overcome"

The instructions were simple: Stand nude with your back against the wall, your feet spread shoulder-width apart. Close your eyes and hear only my voice. Follow my commands.You stood. You listened.Your hands were mine.I touched you. I touched all of...

All Business

"Her fantasy comes true"

Four-thirty on the dot, Jason Warren’s phone rang.“There’s a Miss Lauren Rapino here for her 4:30 appointment, Mr. Warren.”“I’ll be right there, Susan.”Jason donned his sport jacket and headed for the lobby. Lauren sat on the far side of the...

Conversation turned to teasing. Teasing to seduction. Seduction to pure, unadulterated lust.They sat in a corner booth, his leg against hers. Every suggestive word was accompanied by fingertips walking up her thigh, pushing her sundress higher.She squirmed with each step,...

Welcome to Our Weekend

"Our weekend had been a long time coming"

“I’m here.”Her text appeared on my phone the second I took it off airplane mode.My day had dragged. The more I wanted it to move along, the slower it seemed to go. Traveling from the West Coast, my only thought...

Opening Night Shenanigans

"The gallery was the perfect setting for more than art."

It had been a long day for both of us. As we both pulled into the driveway together it was clear that the evening we'd planned might be a struggle to enjoy. But the tickets to the opening of the...