Meg Makes Dessert

"He went home for lunch and got dessert instead."

With the kids in school, my wife, Meg, has had more time on her hands during the day. I've started coming home for lunch when I can, and she always greets me with some new culinary delight - yesterday was...

Sex Kitten

"Tug my chain and watch me come."

Smiling broadly, I feel the gentle pull of my leash as I crawl toward you on the bed. Guiding me to you, your legs part as I move between them. Looking up, the love and trust I have for you...

Sabrina’s New Love

"It's the seemingly small things men do that show their commitment."

The smells of his apartment lingered in my mind long after I left. Scented candles, fresh coffee from the kitchen, and the distinctly masculine scent of his bed. I enjoyed laying on his bed in the morning. Naked beneath his...

Letter to My Navy Man

"Lonely lover writes a sexy letter to her husband."

I sat at the table for two, sipping my iced tea. The waiter had refilled my glass three times by the time my Bri arrived--always outrageously late but generally worth the wait."Sorry I'm late, hon" She said loud enough for...

For my Master

"My first attemp at a bondage story, a gift for my love."

I struggle a little, testing my bonds. An almost silent whimper escapes my lips as the realization that my limbs are not going move sets in. The air surrounding me in the quiet room is cool. From somewhere a soft...

You’ve Been on My Mind

"Indulging myself with another fantasy of my online lover."

   Since meeting you I can't seem to get you out of my head, but I certainly don't mind. I like thinking about you and how it would feel to be in your arms. Lying alone in my bed, with...

Score 110 110
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1.2k words 1.2k words

A Bit of a Tease

"A strip tease makes for a very sexy evening."

I watch you as you watch me close the distance between us. Your smile warm and welcoming and your eyes lit with interest. My bra is slightly visible through my sheer blouse, and my skirt just a touch too short....

Score 110 110
3 Views 3
1.4k words 1.4k words

Story for My Lover

"Wrote a story to arouse my lover, then joined him."

I walk into the room and find you there at your computer... reading my story. I'm quiet... so quiet you don't notice me. Taking my time, I watch you as you read what is on your monitor. Your thoughts must...

Score 110 110
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1.8k words 1.8k words

The next song will be "I Want You to Want Me," I thought, taking another sip of my drinkThe music was always the same. Same play list in the same order, week after week. It wasn't the music that kept...

Score 110 110
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1.6k words 1.6k words

I drive up the tree shadowed lane that leads to the lovely cabin by the lake... my favorite place in the world... anxious and excited, knowing you are either already there or soon will be... we have planned this very...

Score 110 110
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1.1k words 1.1k words