
"Flashes of memory."

Her fingers caressingthe keys of a piano. FlashHer fingers raking over his back. His lips gracingthe rim of his mug.  Flash His lips kissingthe column of her throat.  Her legs slippinginto narrow-legged jeans.  Flash Her legs grippingover the arrow of his hips.  His hands holdingthe edges of a newspaper.  Flash  His hands...


"The quiet before the storm"

You know that moment,the one where time stops. The one where the beatof a butterfly's wings lasts a lifetime. You know that moment,where night and day merge.Where right and wrong are fluid.Where pleasure and pain coexist.  You know that moment,when both of your...

Free Morning

"Freedom for a morning."

My fingers brush the handle of her doorThe bright coloured lettering, my usual morning read.Then I remember she’s at Grandma’s.My fingers slip away again.Coffee in peace… Unusual.The threat of the buzz of the coffee machineneutralised for just one morning. Pad of...

In Sleep

"Relaxed in Slumber."

Smooth skin, softly lit by moonlight.A tragedy would be to close the curtains,to block out that gentle blanket of rays.Face smooth of day's worries, eyes closed, that burning intensity cooled.  My body slips up against yours, my aim to be to hold, not...

Fractures Minds of Lust

"Am I tormenting you? Maybe. Will you claim me? ...."

The valley of your throatA kiss, a nip, a prolonged breath.The trembling of your shoulders,Your rough rugged groanAm I torturing you?Maybe. The hard plains of your shoulders,Teeth, fingers, breath.Your muscles rippling as I proceed,Biting a nipple, feeling you tense.Am I tormenting...