Well Rounded Girls

"A very pregnant Keri has some fun with the family's head of security."

Gooood morning Santa Anita! We have ourselves a scorcher today folks with a high of one hundred and- you’ve got to be joking- one hundred and four! Whoo! This summer is turning out to be real heat wave. In other...

Wet Weekend

"Beth's boyfriend has big plans for their vacation."

Beth was in the process of pulling her long blond hair up into a ponytail when she heard a car horn downstairs. Yanking her scrunchie tight, she grabbed her duffel bag and bounded down the steps two at a time,...

By the Light of the Moon

"Sometimes anonymous sex is best for everyone involved."

Sleep is a funny thing. One night, you sleep like a baby...the next, you're transformed into a whirlwind of jumbled images and tossing limbs. I think it was the heat that got to me so badly. Heat does funny things...

I Love It When You’re Angry

"Tribute to a former Top of mine. He was such a dick, but the things that man did in bed...Mm!"

Your violence is beautiful to me. I've watched temper tantrums before. Screaming until lungs are raw, throwing dishes and paper, stomping feet and angry faces. But you- you are like watching a hurricane. I am afraid, and I am captivated...

How to Please Your Man

"After a shocking discovery, Marie becomes the man her husband needs."

It's a pretty well known fact, men watch porn. Single, in a relationship, even married- they've all got a stash somewhere. That's what struck me as odd when I asked my husband Davy about it one night. We were relaxing...