Deceit disguised as honest love Can be the bow to break A once sound bond sealed above And cause ones heart to ache. To claim a woman’s heart is grand Enough to love multi men Is fantasy, a house built...
Member: Puppy
Seduction By My Internet Lover
"A man I deeply loved but never met seduced me with massage."
I lay blindfolded face down with such intense anticipation for the touch I have waited so long to experience. I heard him come into the room with a gentle quietness and felt his presence brush along my side as he...
In The Clouds
"My sweeties juices drunken me"
As I fly above the billowing puffs Of misty cotton sexy tufts I imagine frolicking aloft with you Midst the passion puffs of milky dew. My mind plays silly as I look down We fall to the clouds and bounce...
Name The Wind
"My love is as the wind. I cannot change her nor do I wish to."
Mysterious, powerful, relaxing; all words that describe the wind It’s everywhere and nowhere. So perplexing! It’s will, no man dare rescind. She refreshes more than sun or seas When she chooses to wear her outer breeze Just as quickly she...
Carnal need satisfied
"A poem of my pride for the service that my precious love provides."
Her heartgoes out to those of you Who languish lost from loves adieu. The lingering taste of a love’s goodbye Creates thereby a needful guy. My sweet Chanel’s heart of empathy Can feel your loss and set you free From...
I Melt In Your Mouth
"Giving a BJ with class"
Your mouth enveloped me with hot greedy lips. My manhood felt gloved on this cold and rainy night. 'Twas pure pleasure and passion I saw between sips, In your eyes as you sucked firmly holding my hips. Grabbing my ass...
The Deflowering of My Mouth
"A Puppy True Account"
Joe entered the room with his usual cocky flare. He always seems to feel like no matter how late he is that nothing happens until he gets there. He pisses me off big time. But I have to bite my...
‘Twas The Night After Christmas
"What a difference a year makes"
'Twas the night after Christmas and search as I may I can't find my heart That broke Christmas day I shopped for the kit That mends broken hearts The love all fell out But I found all the parts I...
A Failed Attempt
"There can be humor in Sex"
Would that my prick had such sting said the love bird with the wounded wing. He tried and failed on his latest quest to fondle twist and lick her breasts So head hung low with wounded wing he pondered thus...