The Treck Back to Love Again

"The survival of those who had their love and trust betrayed"

Return to me my precious one And I’ll return to you in spades. Come with me towards the sun Where neither love nor passion fade. The trip we’ll take through loves lost lives, Include those on lush whose hearts lie...

The Night I Was Pickle Fucked

"Was it a dream? Or real? Surely a dream?"

As pickles in a barrel, constrained I feel A pickles life seems just surreal As pickle A fucks pickle B “I’m in a pickle” says he. Lumped together against their will They live in the brine and raunchy dill. Until...

My Life’s Valentine

"True passion shines in life long Valentines."

You were my Valentine when we were teens And when we married at twenty-one, my Valentine you remained Each year without fail I gave you nature and greens And when we were thirty your presence my soul barely contained On...

A Quatrain Just For You!

"Even when I muse and ponder and play with words, what I do I do for her."

I wrote a quatrain just for you in hopes you'd fuck me all night through But must we follow rules and such fuck the rules 'tween your legs I'll touch. Pen in hand refreshed anew, I wrote a quatrain just...

Joe Pisses Me Off

"Joe and Chanel team up to punish me"

Joe entered the room with his usual cocky flare. He alwaysseems to feel like no matter how late he is that nothing happens until he gets there. He pisses me off big time. But I have to bite my tongue...

My Admission and Punishment

"I was guilty of poor behavior and this poem is my punishment"

My girlfriend master is livid! I cost her a dear friend and with it, my actions have made her look bad so punishment now must be had. I now must admit before all of you here that my actions have...

Nightmare’s Cure

"She is my cure for life's past horrors."

I begin to write subdued and meek but ever grasping the ring I seek. As we circle back a final time I grab the ring. It’s finally mine. I was told the ring would bring reward, that the quest could...

On Love I No Longer Wait

"I waited on true love all my life. It finally has come."

On love I wait. I thought I loved. I loved not. Now I love in truth. Now I love in truth. But still I wait. Not ON love any more do I wait. But now I wait FOR my love....

Sexy Intruder Caught at My Alaska Cabin

"I arrived at my vacant Alaskan cabin and found to my delight a sexy homesteader."

The snow secretly crept into the wooded valley like a silent thief stealing the mountain’s foliage. It was delivering a peaceful white blanket of a fresh new season. It was a cold, dark night. My destination was a mountain cabin...