The Chain: Ch 3 – Playing With Fire

"As Lima discovers his informant’s predicament, Asma recalls their first meeting…"

Monica Reyes sighed with relief as she closed the apartment door behind her and laid her back against it, dropping her Delta Airlines branded luggage to the floor. It had been a long, hard leg of flights and shifting schedules...

The Chain: Ch 2 – Fallout

"As Asma lies in the hospital, her enemies begin to circle as the truth comes to light…"

Franco Cassetti grunted as Blondie 1 (she had stated her name when they met and Cassetti had promptly forgotten it) ran her velvety tongue sharply up the shaft of his thick, stumpy cock. Aside from the grunt and a twitch...

The Chain – Ch 1: Reckoning

"An FBI agent in way over his head. A criminal queen drunk on power. An arcane necklace that no one truly understands…"

“I said closer,” Asma said in a low voice, the sound of her words amplified with a strange energy Gabriel knew but could not quite place.The tall, handsome Hispanic man blinked and tried to remember what he was about to...

The Eye of the Beast

"This one’s a few years old now, but a good start to my style."

In the stillness of societyat desksin carson the avenues and barsI hold fast to sanitybiting my lipto withhold depravityBut then you arrivedBeautifulBright-eyedAnd awakened the thingwaiting in the deep......Silly girlYou wandered into my gazeThe forestThe hazeof my crazedlustful musingsSilly girlso innocentin...