Loves Keeper

"Your love is my sunshine"

Love, L O V E.You enchant me, I adore you. When I'm with you,my heart skips a beat.When you're away,I wish you right back. You light up my life,You're the sun in my sky.My strength to go on,a dream to come...

One Last Plea

"Love so consuming"

This love, our love consumes me. It's powerful, its dark It hides in every corner It has a mind of it's own It controls my every move. It pulls at my heart, It bleeds out my soul And leaves me...

My friend, part 2

"The ending to the story of Rosie and Kelly's love"

One minute I’m telling Kelly I’m a lesbian, the next minute the unthinkable is happening. I’m under her beautiful body and being kissed senseless. I couldn't think. Her lips felt amazing, our tongues were dancing, fighting almost. Her hands had crept to...

Life and Love,Are they one or are they separate?Can you have one, Yet not the other? Life and Love,Two very different things.Life being forever, Love being everything. Life and Love,Do I choose my life, or love.Do I choose you, or myself. Life...

Queen of My Heart

"To my love, from your Sockies"

My Love, my Jaynie, I am your Sockies. You're the Queen of my heart, and I'm your golden PrincessI love you, you adore me.When we are together, no one else matters.When I'm with you, I feel at peace.Talking to you, is my favourite...

My friend

"coming out to my friend"

I'm Rosie and I'm 18, until recently I wasn't 100% sure I was a lesbian. I was slowly coming out to the ones I held close to my heart. I decided to text Kelly Saturday morning saying, ‘It’s been so long since...